5 min read

4 Quick Journaling Prompts That Will Change Your Life

Journaling (paired with a great cup of coffee) is a great way to start any day!
A cartoon image of a hand writing in a journal.

I want to start today's newsletter off by saying that I am 100% not a morning person.

I need coffee to get me going, and the mere thought of that first sip hitting my tongue is enough to bring a smile to my face (it's sad, I know).

It's my lifesaver, my pick-me-up, and one of my primary reasons for getting out of bed.

My other primary reason for getting out of bed is to journal.

I've found that journaling (paired with a great cup of coffee) is one of my favorite ways to start any day.

It has helped me process my thoughts and emotions, reflect on experiences (both good and bad), and gain valuable insight in my life.

If you're new to journaling, you may not really know what to write about at first.

To make it easier for you or to give you some inspiration, I am going to give you my exact journaling prompts (with pictures) that I have used to find success and reach multiple goals in the past.

A quick disclaimer that is one method of journaling that I found to work for myself. What works for you may be completely different!

With that being said, here are four prompts that I highly recommend to anyone who is just getting started with journaling:

1: What Are My Long-Term Goals?

Long-term goals are the goals you plan to accomplish over a long period of time (1-5 years).

They can be whatever you want them to be.

An example of 3 long-term goals.

I feel like your long-term goals should be the first thing you see / write about when you journal.

You will immediately feel more motivated and like you have a purpose to pursue.

Your long-term goals should be something you can work actively towards on a daily basis with the help of the next prompt.

2: What Are My Goals for Today?

Daily goals are the building blocks for long-term goals.

They are what makes the dream work.

Your daily goals need to work in alliance with your long-term goals, otherwise, you may find that your long-term goals seem to get further and further away from becoming a reality.

An example of 3 daily goals.

Make sense?

Your long-term goals need to be broken down into small actionable steps (daily goals).

Repeat these small steps enough and you will eventually arrive at your main goal!

The importance of small steps

3: What Am I Grateful for Today?

Journaling about gratitude is a simple yet powerful practice that has numerous benefits for your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Take a quick moment each day to write down one thing that you can be grateful for.

An example of one thing to be grateful for.

4: What Will I Accomplish Today, No Matter What?

This final journal prompt will push you outside of your comfort zone.

There may be something you've been putting off for some time now and this prompt will not only help you to focus more on whatever tasks that may be, but also give you a sense of accomplishment once you do it.

An example of a goal you will accomplish today, no matter what!

For me, going to the gym after work seemed impossible.

I would always be too tired and just wanted to come home and relax. Β 

Once I began focusing on the things I was putting off - such as going to the gym, I began writing down one thing each day that I would accomplish, no matter what!

  • No matter what (NMW) = absolutely NO EXCUSES!

I made the commitment to go to the gym after work no matter how I felt and you know what happened?

Once I got to the gym, I realized that I wasn't really as tired as I initially thought I was and once I finished my workout, I felt this amazing sense of accomplishment.

I was working towards my goals and taking action without letting my emotions stop me! Wow!!

Bonus Prompt: Write Down Something That Inspires You

I recently read the amazing book "The Four Agreements" and was completely blown away by the books unbelievably powerful teachings.

An example of something that inspires you. 

Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, The Four Agreements offer a powerful code of conduct that can rapidly transform our lives to a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love.

I found that it inspired me so I use it's teachings as a reminder when I journal.

And there you have it.

That was a full outline of a journal entry I have used to reach my goals in the past.

An example of a daily jounral. Highlights show how your daily goals should work in unity with your long-term goals. 

I currently work for myself, am in the best shape of my life, and am actively working towards buying my dream car (Porsche 911 - may be a while yet).

I hope this newsletter article helped you in some way, shape, or form and I strongly encourage you to give journaling a try at somepoint in your life!

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